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Friday, March 26, 2010

Day to Day in the Library

To begin with, here are some photos taken during Mrs. Owren's students' time in the library. Mrs. Owren, like many teachers, has reserved blocks to use the computers for writing projects. It's great to see the students so busy, on task, and using the library resources.

The photo below is another "day-to-day" photo of many of the activities our students enjoy. It's evident that those routines mean a lot to students. They know what to expect - from our library lessons, to "booklook" time, to my quiet announcement of "Show me you're ready" when it's time to line up. Even the 4th graders (from Mrs. Fee's class) enjoy one of the cherished routines - taking turns at the beanbag chairs. I just had to snap this candid picture when I saw the "big kids" reading quietly at our beanbags!

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