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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Book Fair is Next Week!

Mrs. Louzon's 1st graders were very helpful in helping me get the message out about our annual Book Fair next week. The cases of books have arrived and we'll be setting up Friday afternoon so we're ready to go Monday morning. You should have received the Book Fair flyer, a coral-colored sheet with information, plus the earlier PTO Newsletter which featured us prominantly on the back. As usual, if you still have questions, feel free to email me at

Except for Kindergarten, students shop during their usual library class. Remember that if you want to be with your child to help them shop, you have many options. We are open each school day from 8-4 p.m. Also, there are two Family Events this year - one on election day, Tuesday, November 2nd from 3-7 p.m. The other Family Event is Saturday, November 6th from 9-12 in the morning.

Another way to be with your child as they shop is to volunteer during the library class. At this point, we are still short on volunteers to help staff the Book Fair. I would love to get more of the Volunteer Sign-up forms returned ASAP; it would help me sleep better at night!

Our school runs one Scholastic Book Fair per year and it is a major fundraiser for library resources. Many families appreciate the Classroom Wish Lists which help them choose a useful and much desired book for their child's teacher. We accept cash, credit, and checks (made to Charlestown SAF). This year Scholastic sent the EZ Scanner which promises to make for shorter lines, itemized receipts, and easier sales tracking. I'm looking forward to seeing lots of excited kids at our Book Fair and maybe you, too!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kazu Kibuishi Visits Charlestown School

Today was a big day for 3rd & 4th grades. To "reward" everyone for completing the NECAP tests, we enjoyed an assembly by favorite author/illustrator of the Amulet series, Kazu Kibuishi. Beth Desrosier was kind enough to take this photo where I proudly share the drawing Mr. Kibuishi created for our Library.

In order to make this visit happen, there are so many people to thank that I hope I don't forget anyone. The Chariho Middle School librarians Mrs. Steever and Mrs. Caparco graciously helped plan his visit to Charlestown after they hosted him at the CMS ceremony for his Rhode Island Children's Book Award 2010. Cheryl Space from the state, Meagan Lenihan from Lincoln School, and his agent Nancy Caffoe were instrumental in getting plans done with a week's notice. Principal Mrs. Poore was enthusiastic from the start (just two weeks ago!). Teachers adjusted their schedules and many staff members got the room ready and helped with set-up of equipment. Lisa Huzyk and Beth Desrosiers even drove to meet him at CMS to make sure he could fit us into the tight timetable. Finally, PTO generously funded an honorarium so we could enjoy Kazu Kibuishi. Thanks to all!

FYI: We were all so proud of our 3rd and 4th grade students as they listened attentively, asked thoughtful questions, and thoroughly appreciated his appearance. When he demonstrated on his tablet computer how he "paints" using PhotoShop, we were all entranced as the images took form. Then, there was a rising groundswell of polite applause from the kids as they marvelled at the incredible picture that was appearing before their eyes. It was such a moving demonstration of their appreciation that I found myself almost tearing up as the teachers joined in the applause. Wow - our kids are the best!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

NECAP Practice Sessions

Here's a great-looking group of Grade 4 students taking advantage of a special NECAP "ramp-up" session this week. Today's group worked on Math, led by Math Specialist, Mrs. Nedwidek. Another session focused on Reading. Teachers included in the sessions have been Mrs. Wright, Ms. Peduzzi, Mrs. Owren, Ms. Miceli, and myself.

These sessions are a new initiative we're trying this year. As we know, not only do students get tested on content, but they also need to learn test-taking strategies. These students were enthusiastic and engaged as they plotted out answers on the SMART Board. In fact, the other photo shows one student taking a real "hands-on" approach, using the Touch Screen of the SMART Board. Good luck, kids!